Some new features of Visual Studio 2010 that can help your productivity right away

(Note: This blog post was originally published under my old domain(, here. Web Archive link. (This post is part of Visual Studio 2010 series) I am playing with Visual Studio 2010 for some time now and just thought to sum up some of the new features of Visual Studio 2010 that could enhance your productivity right away after you start using it. [more] Even though there are more new features in Visual Studio 2010 that can increase productivity, this post focuses on new features that can help productivity immediately, features that will be used by majority of developers frequently/day-to-day basis, than things that are helpful but not used every day(for instance, web.config transformations is not included).   Navigate To… You can use Navigate To(Ctrl + ,) to search specific methods, class’, etc in your code. This helps navigating your code faster, code navigation speed in Visual Studio 2010 is increased highly because of this new feature. This also comes handy when you keep jumping between different methods of your code frequently. In previous versions of Visual Studio you didn’t have such a swift option. You can do more cool things using Navigate To, like, you can type the abbreviation of

What can you do with ‘IntelliTrace’ in Visual Studio 2010

(Note: This blog post was originally published under my old domain(, here. Web Archive link. (This post is part of my Visual Studio 2010 series) As I wrote in my earlier article, Visual Studio 2010 has many new features in debugging. IntelliTrace is one of the major features of Visual Studio 2010 and as of now it is available only in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition. In my opinion, IntelliTrace is the best reason to convince your boss to get Ultimate edition for you :). Note, IntelliTrace only supports managed code, for example, it doesn’t support vc++ native code. [more] This article introduces IntelliTrace and tells how it helps in simplifying debugging and tells some more things that can be done with it (based on Visual Studio 2010 ultimate edition-release candidate). (I am taking the intro from previous post..) Introducing Visual Studio 2010’s IntelliTrace.. IntelliTrace is a feature previously known as Historical debugging, which is a major enhancement made to the Visual Studio 2010 debugger. When an exception occurs, you usually start debugging with breakpoints set in suspected areas and check variable/object values for correctness. But if an exception occurs when IntelliTrace is enabled, it allows you to just go

Auto-Implemented properties comes to Visual Basic 2010

(Note: This blog post was originally published under my old domain(, here. Web Archive link. (This post is part of my Visual Studio 2010 series) In C# we can create properties for classes in simple way by just specifying the below code, this option is called auto-implemented property, as the implementation is taken care by the compiler.[more] public int Price { get; set; }   In Visual Basic we don’t have such simple option to create properties, hence to create a simple class we have to write the below code.. Class Client Private _Code As String Public Property Code() As String Get Return _Code End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Code = value End Set End Property Private _Name As String Public Property Name() As String Get Return _Name End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Name = value End Set End Property Private _CreditLimit As Single = 2000 Public Property CreditLimit() As Single Get Return _CreditLimit End Get Set(ByVal value As Single) _CreditLimit = value End Set End Property End Class   But in Visual Basic 2010(in Visual Studio 2010) we can write the below code instead of the above.. Class Client Public Property Code As String Public Property Name